Hunting season begins — early antlerless elk, early general antlerless elk, private land antlerless elk, squirrel.
Fishing event — Community Fishing Night, Holmes Lake, 6-8 p.m. Look for the Family Fishing Trailer; free loaner rods and reels, bait and fishing instruction are available. Participants 16 and older need a fishing license.
Seminar — First Shots: Pistol, an introduction to firearms in individual and group training, 6-8 p.m., Nebraska Game and Parks Outdoor Education Center, 4703 N. 44th St. Closed-neck shirts and closed-toe shoes encouraged. Anyone 18 or younger must be accompanied by parent or guardian. Cost: $10. Register: https://bit.ly/3GxO309.
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AUG. 10
Seminar — First Shots: Pistol, an introduction to firearms in individual and group training, 6-8 p.m., Nebraska Game and Parks Outdoor Education Center, 4703 N. 44th St. Closed-neck shirts and closed-toe shoes encouraged. Anyone 18 or younger must be accompanied by parent or guardian. Cost: $10. Register: https://bit.ly/3GxO309.
AUG. 15
Hunting season begins — bullfrog (east of U.S. 81).
AUG. 17
Seminar — Second Shots: Pistol, 6-9 p.m., Nebraska Game and Parks Outdoor Education Center, 4703 N. 44th St. Recommended prerequisite: First Shots. Bring your own eye and ear protection. If you bring your own pistol, bring 50 rounds of ammo for it. Ages 16 and above; students under 18 must be accompanied by legal guardian or parent. Cost: $50. Register: https://bit.ly/3sAxYzk.
AUG. 20
Hunting season begins — archery antelope.
AUG. 24
Seminar — First Shots: Pistol, an introduction to firearms in individual and group training, 6-8 p.m., Nebraska Game and Parks Outdoor Education Center, 4703 N. 44th St. Closed-neck shirts and closed-toe shoes encouraged. Anyone 18 or younger must be accompanied by parent or guardian. Cost: $10. Register: https://bit.ly/3GxO309.
AUG. 25
Stargazing — Nebraska Star Party, 9-11:30 p.m., Eugene T. Mahoney State Park. Meet behind the golf shack. Telescopes will be provided. Bring camp chairs or blankets. State park entry permit required. Rain date: Aug. 26.
AUG. 31
Seminar — First Shots: Pistol, an introduction to firearms in individual and group training, 6-8 p.m., Nebraska Game and Parks Outdoor Education Center, 4703 N. 44th St. Closed-neck shirts and closed-toe shoes encouraged. Anyone 18 or younger must be accompanied by parent or guardian. Cost: $10. Register: https://bit.ly/3GxO309.
Hunting seasons begin — archery deer, archery bull elk, antlerless only season choice deer, youth deer, limited landowner deer, cottontail, jackrabbit (west of U.S. 81 only), prairie grouse, mourning and white-winged doves, snipe, Virginia and sora rail.
SEPT. 16
Hunting season begins — muzzleloader antelope.
SEPT. 20
Hunting season ends — private land antlerless elk.
SEPT. 21
Hunting season begins — firearm bull elk.
SEPT. 22
Stargazing — Nebraska Star Party, 9-11:30 p.m., Eugene T. Mahoney State Park. Meet behind the golf shack. Telescopes will be provided. Bring camp chairs or blankets. State park entry permit required. Rain date: Sept. 23.
OCT. 1
Hunting season begins — fall turkey.
Hunting season ends — muzzleloader antelope.
Fishing season begins — snagging paddlefish.
OCT. 7
Hunting season begins — woodcock.
OCT. 14
Hunting season begins — firearm antelope.
OCT. 21-22
Hunting season — youth pheasant, quail and partridge.
OCT. 28
Hunting seasons begin — pheasant, quail, partridge.
OCT. 29
Hunting season ends — firearm antelope.
OCT. 30
Hunting season ends — mourning and white-winged doves.
OCT. 31
Hunting seasons end — archery bull elk, firearm bull elk, early general antlerless elk, bullfrog (east of U.S. 81).
Fishing season ends — snagging paddlefish.
NOV. 1
Hunting season begins — late general antlerless elk, late season doe/fawn antelope.
NOV. 4
Hunting season begins — special landowner deer.
NOV. 6
Hunting season ends — special landowner deer.
NOV. 9
Hunting season ends — Virginia and sora rail.
NOV. 11
Hunting season begins — firearm deer.
NOV. 19
Hunting season ends — firearm deer.
NOV. 20
Hunting season ends — woodcock.
NOV. 28
Hunting season begins — bighorn sheep.
NOV. 30
Hunting season ends — fall turkey.
DEC. 1
Hunting season begins — muzzleloader deer.
DEC. 16
Hunting season ends — snipe.
DEC. 22
Hunting season ends — bighorn sheep
DEC. 31
Hunting seasons end — archery deer, muzzleloader deer, archery antelope.
Fishing seasons end — all underwater game fish spearfishing.
JAN. 1
Hunting season begins — late antlerless only firearm deer, river late antlerless firearm deer.
JAN. 15
Hunting seasons end — late antlerless only firearm deer, antlerless only season choice deer, youth deer, limited landowner deer.
JAN. 31
Hunting seasons end — river late antlerless firearm deer, general late antlerless elk, late doe/fawn antelope, squirrel, prairie grouse, pheasant, quail, partridge.
FEB. 29
Hunting season ends — cottontail and jackrabbit.