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Every morning, I head outside, coffee in hand, and usually in my pajamas, to check on my plants.

It may be a slower process, but drought takes a toll on trees, and a variety of other issues can add to plants' stress.

The bad news it's a good year for ash sawflies. The good news is songbirds love to eat them, and the damage is short-lived most of the time.

Bigger isn't always better when selecting new bedding plants, but with care they help your garden hit the ground running this spring.

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Verticillium and fusarium wilt are soil-borne fungal diseases caused by different pathogens that result in similar symptoms.

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It’s important to understand woody plant leaf and flower buds were formed last fall. They are already present on branch twigs, so you should be able to find dormant buds when doing a close examination of your plant now. 

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